I've written how I have this sweetheart new class of students. One of them is Faith. Faith is new to our town so I didn't know anything about her. The first couple of days of school, I just kept looking at her - KNOWING that she was reminding me of someone....but it wasn't clicking. Finally, it dawned on me.
"Faith!" I said, "Now I know who you remind me of!"
"Who?" asked Faith.
"You remind me of my granddaughter, Thalia!"
"Does she talk a lot?"
That was the first question out of Faith's mouth when I told her about the resemblance. I started to laugh. I said, "Well, I guess a little, but not too much!" Faith's only answer to that was "Oh."
Now I see more of a resemblance. They act a lot alike, they walk a lot alike, they both dress so cute...same style. Their skin is the same color, as is their hair, and their eyes. Of course, they ar both in 4th grade. Thalia is a little older with her birthday being in October and Faith's in May. I just had to post their photos.
Do you see the resemblance?
This is Faith...
So there you have it... Thalia and Faith. There's definitely a resemblance there that I see. I bet they would be good friends if they lived close to each other... they're both sweethearts!
That is funny, they definately have some similarities. Faith is very lucky to look like our very cute Thalia!
I had never met Faith until I saw her in the bus line. She looks like Thalia in real life too! I said , "Hello Faith." She was surprised that I knew her name.
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