Emerson had his first 'cracker' type food yesterday.

Emily had heard about the Baby Mum-Mum...so she decided to try her little man with one.

I'm not sure what he thought about it at first...

Um? What is this thing I'm putting in my mouth?

Emerson thought about it ...

He held it up for his Mimi to see...

I told him he shouldn't put the ENTIRE Mum-Mum in is mouth at one time...

He looked carefully at this...this...this, whatever it was, in his hand...

"Whadayathink, Mimi?" he asked me.

Emerson kind of made a slight mess with it...

He... well, he sort of ... attacked the Mum-Mum...

Sucking doesn't work, or maybe it does?

Emerson took a little break and showed me his two bottom teeth. I told him I had seen them, but they sure were cute. He's now getting his two top teeth! They're not through...yet...but you can see them!


Yep, Baby Mum-Mums... I guessed they passed the Emerson test...

A bit later, his mama put some apple pieces in this little thing...

Emerson puts it in his mouth, chews, gnaws, sucks on it, and he gets apple juice, but no pieces!

He was trying to figure it all out!

After a while, the apple went away...

and he decided he had had enough. It was time to play with his little toes...
So adorable!!!
My little guy definitely likes to eat...kind of like his Daddy...
Emerson wears his Mum Mum very well!!!
What a cutie. How much he seems to have grown since Thanksgiving. The picures are adorable. Emerson King your Saddie loves you.
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