We hiked around, totally enjoying the hike - which is about a mile or a little more. It was foggy outside, but was absolutely beautiful in the redwood forest.
We kept hiking, kept looking...no banana slugs. Along the way, I took pictures, lots of pictures...to the tune 0f 95 pictures. I'll send a CD of all of them home with Josh, but I'm just choosing some of my favorites for this post.
You can't find anything much more beautiful than a redwood forest. I am in awe that a 7 1/2 year old finds the beauty of nature like Thalia does.
We were both a little disappointed because there were absolutely NO banana slugs to be found. But as Thalia said, it was OK "because the forest is just so beautiful. " Lady Bird Johnson Grove makes a loop, and we had made the loop and were on our way out - already having passed the section we were on - when Thalia spotted this gorgeous creature. We were both absolutely delighted. She kissed and kissed the banana slug. When I went to kiss it, I had it up against my lips but Thalia wanted my lips in a KISSING POSITION. Then she took the photo of my lips on the slug! What a fun day it was!
After showering the banana slug with kisses, Thalia set him (or her?) on her face and let the slug slither wherever it wanted to go, which happened to be on Thalia's eye.
As we were close to leaving, walking between 2 HUGE redwoods, Thalia said, "Mimi, LOOK UP!" This is what we saw:
I remember kissing one of those! Kind of tingled a bit... Thalia sure is brave; one kiss was enough for me!
Thalia IS a brave...gutsy... adventuresome little 7 year old...and SO much fun! I loved when you and Addison came up...and if I remember right, we didn't have any trouble finding a banana slug for you to so willingly kiss! :) That was a fun trip!
I can't remember if I kissed the slug last time I was there but thalia didn't just kiss the slug, she made out with the slug and it was a pain getting all that goey stuff off her lips, hands, then josh's shirt, and his hands. What a mess but it was funny and very fun. Thalia is having the time of her life with her Mimi (and of course Josh). She really loves her Mimi. She will never forget that trip just like the other trips.
from the daughter-in-law who had to stay home and miss out on all the adventures of Eureka.
The daughter-in-law who we MISS not being here!
Last time she kissed on of those things I spent 10 minutes just trying to get the slime off her mouth. She didn't look to worried this time. Good pics mom, thanks for showing her such a good time. Love you....
I have never kissed a banana slug! I would rather kiss my beautiful wife! Thalia you are a brave! I'm glad you had a good time.
Love, Uncle John & Aunt Becky
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