There's not a LOT of rides at our little fair, but there was plenty for Thalia. She seemed to have a grand time. (She told her Papa that it was good until the last ride - Spinning Dragons - when Josh made her sick to her stomach from spinning so much!)
The ride above was the Crazy Surf.
There was a huge SUPER SLIDE which Thalia enjoyed coming down...
And then there was the climbing wall...
This ride was a spinner. Joshua and Thalia got to spinning pretty fast. I'm not sure how they didn't end up sick.
The swing ride lasted quite a while.
There was a small petting zoo...
The last ride Joshua and Thalia rode was this spinning dragons. Thalia looked a little green when she came out. Joshua claimed she kept saying she wanted to SPIN! Maybe it was the fact that right before this ride, we had eaten lunch?
Thalia, I know your Mimi enjoyed going to the fair with you and Josh. When Josh, Gabe and Lindsey were small and come to Texas I would go to Six Flags and watch them ride the rides. It was so much fun. The swings were my favorite. Have a great time and would love to see you. I love you, Saddie
These last two blogs could have been entitled Mimi's Making Memories. What a fun grandma Thalia has--and vice versa! Love ya!
I can't play your videos Judy Len. I am down here in Southern Cal. I'm sorry I missed Josh and Thalia. Take care.
Laner...did you go to southern Cal AGAIN...or did you just not leave till later?
Mom and Bob/Helen...all this is just so fun... Thalia can have a great time wherever we are or whatever we're doing. We're off to ride quads now!
Judy Len we left on Weds, the 20th and are returning on the 28th to Mactown. Then we are coming back on the 14th of July for another week. It has been a real roller coaster!!! Josh and Thalia aren't the only ones on a ride like this!!
When I was younger I loved all those rides. I guess I still do but those spinning ones about made me sick. I kept asking Thalia if she was ok but I think it was me who almost lost it. I was happy when I ran out of tickets.
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