Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ah...some windows are in...

What a beautiful day it was today! I was wondering what would be happening on the house today. I had my camera ready when I got home...I could see that Tyvek was put around the chase. Um? Wonder why that black plastic is over where a window will go?

I walked along those boards because it's SO INCREDIBLY MUDDY - and walked around to the back....This is looking at the side. Ah,! I peeked under this larger piece of plastic which is where the door will be... and there is no door there yet. Ok, that's why the black is in the front. I found the other small window in the garage. Here we are in the back...another window in!

Things are moving along...


Anonymous said...

Looks great!!

It is going to look so good when its done, it looks like it was designed that way from the first day.

Anonymous said...

Looks good and "square". Good job pete.