Monday, August 23, 2010

Hanging out in Emerson's room

The boys decided to go play in Emerson's room.

Benjamin asked him who they should call...
Emerson told his cousin he didn't think he should be playing with Mimi's phone...

Benjamin told him it was Ok...he had watched and knew how to do it. Emerson said he also knew how to use it...but ....Benjamin started calling...
Emerson grabbed his blanket and left...he did NOT want to get in any trouble with his Mimi...

Oh Emerson, you are such a riot with your blanket!

Emerson then told Benjamin they should play with the ball popper and the zoo...They were busy little men..both so involved in the toys...There was plenty for both of them...They would chatter a little, play a little, chatter a little...
They were so focused on the zoo...they both started playing with it...together...
good job, little men!

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