Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My little men have their first fights (plural!)

It is no secret here at the JohnstonChronicles that Benjamin is infatuated with fans. He spots them in an instant and he loves to turn them on and off.
He will say, "The fan is on!" or "It's on!" and "It's off!"...or he'll point to the fan and say, "the fan!"

He's a pretty agreeable little guy with just about everything. If someone takes one of his toys, he'll usually just look at them, and then pick something else. Sometimes he'll pull it back...as I've witnessed with him and his cousin, Emerson. Benjamin had been playing with the fan when Emerson decided to come join the fun. Benjamin was telling him all about how it worked.
"This is the middle...don't put your fingers in here," he told his cousin.He was telling Emerson that right now, the fan was off...
But then...Emerson started turning the fan on and off, which was fine...until...he, Emerson, decided NOT to let Benjamin turn it on and off....
Oh no...you can take Benjamin's toys...but you cannot take his fan! And that's when their first battle, their first pushing and shoving match, their first fight began...

Donnie, in his wisdom, decided to go over and talk to the boys...to 'teach' them a little about sharing...to show them how they could both play with the fan...taking turns...
It worked...for a little while.
Until Benjamin decided to switch gears and check out the light switch once again. It's another device that he can work that turns things on and off... "The light is on!"
"The light is off!
Their lesson from Da-Da or Uncle Donnie lasted, like I said, for a little while...until Emerson wanted to also turn the light switch on and off. Benjamin wasn't too happy about his cousin joining in the experiment....

Da-Da or Uncle Donnie didn't intervene this time...because the boys went their separate ways...Emerson to find a ball...Benjamin back to the fan...

All was peaceful once again!
Until the next morning. We were all up before 7 a.m. and the first thing the boys went for was the fan. Emerson is about 1.5 inches taller than Benjamin...and probably a little heavier, but not much...so here they were, standing at the TV where the fan was...and when a little squirmish started, Benjamin hauled off and pushed Emerson out of the way. Emerson staggered back a few steps, but caught his balance. I don't even remember what happened next because we were all laughing so hard..
My boys...I absolutely love them...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great fight coverage Jutze. It does give me some great Christmas ideas. Fans for both of the boys and a couple of sets of boxing gloves to settle any fan disputes.
I can't wait to see those two tough guys. Seams like it's been forever. Thanks for the blog mom.