Thursday, August 16, 2012

When I turned 36 and 37 years old

It's been a few years since I turned 36 or 37...considering I just turned 58, that would be 21 or 22 years ago... geez, that sounds...OLD!  It is...

As I said in the post before this one, I ran across some things I'd kept from the kids... one was a birthday card  when I turned 36 from Lindsey.  She loved to make her own cards then...and she still does today!
When I turned 37, I got this from both Lindsey and Gabe.  It must have been a team effort!  Gabe told me I was the 'youngest looking 37 year old woman of all time (& most loveable).  He signed it, Gabe (the Hunk)! 

Lindsey wrote that I was the most loveable creature on earth!

How does a mom ever get rid of things like this?

A treasure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were and you are still all of those things. Love, Mom